Honestly shocked by this. I had no idea anyone hated socks. I mean: what a way to live! I shiver to think of it.

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Apr 3Liked by Teresa Wong

I haven't given too much thought to socks (until now) although I can say with assurance that the only socks I have ever REALLY loved were what I referred to as "foot panties", lacy non-socks to be worn with flats (or even sandals)-- I discovered them while I lived in Japan. Sort of like these (but even less "socky" if you catch my drift): https://www.amazon.ca/Bella-Moda-Womens-Casual-Non-skid/dp/B01MT7UCPJ/ref=asc_df_B01MT7UCPJ/?tag=googleshopc0c-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=335024611629&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9819675611153072567&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1001935&hvtargid=pla-568459718871&psc=1&mcid=e85974ba0188369aa4334752d27f5184

I can't wear flats without socks, as I basically destroy the shoes with my copious foot sweat... TMI? Anyway, the idea of greasy naked feet putting their sweaty residue on the carpet makes me squirm bit in discomfort... yet I have no problem with the cat putting its dirty butt down everywhere. Weird.

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I am definitely a sock person. I remember in the ‘80s when all the cool kids were wearing their Sperry Topsiders sans socks, so I tried wearing my JC Penney knockoff topsiders to school without socks one day and It. Just. Hurt. The backs of my heels were rubbed raw. Not worth it. Maybe the real ones had more padding back there? I have had the same problem as an adult with flats that are too low for peds (which I assume is the American name for sock panties?). I get blisters and raw spots. My favorite socks lately are ones with cats - reading books, maneki neko, or looking superior (always) OR a brand of peds called Stance that actually stay put and do not shlump themselves off the back of my heel and down under my arch while walking. The laundry may have eaten one of the three pair I had, so I’m praying the company is still in business and I can order more.

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